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Is your Pooch Pudgy? What can you do?

Okay, we have all seen them…
A pudgy little pug waddling down the street or a fat wiener dog rolling along with their masters.

I love my little plump bundle of fur more than anything and I know I am guilty of pampering her little too much. A treat for coming inside after using the bathroom…to a treat for just being so cute!

Yep, that’s me in a nutshell.

Maybe that’s you too? If so, that’s ok because we can fix this before it’s too late. We love our babies and don’t want anything to happen to them.

According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 54% percent of dogs and 59% of cats are overweight.  There are nearly 70 million dogs around the world! That makes for a lot of fat little doggies!

Having an overweight dog can lead to health problems plus a shorter life. I know I don’t want that for my little baby. Neither do you.

Pets that have too much fat can start to have major problems such as
·        Joint Pain
·        Arthritis
·        Inflammation
·        Fatigue
·        Diabetes
·        Skin conditions…Even Acne!

As humans, we know that a few extra pounds are no fun and for a dog, it is the same. They don’t feel good, uncomfortable and it starts to limit what they can do. Their quality of life starts to go way down. And just like us humans, this can even lead to depression.
What should my doggie weigh? Of course weight of your dog depends on breed, size and overall condition of your dog. Look at your dog with a serious look. Even though you might think they are fine or even too skinny…look again.
One of the first things to do is check the ribs.
Can you feel them?
Your dog’s waist should taper down. Does it taper inward toward the ribs?
If you see your doggies belly sagging or if you can't see your dogs ribs or waist they are most likely overweight. Don’t ignore these simple signs.
What can you do to help your pet lose weight?
You can help Rover lose those unwanted pounds but it will take time and effort. It is harder for a pet to lose weight so settle in to help your pooch. There have been studies on dogs and weight. Dogs that maintain a good healthy weight live just about two years longer than overweight dogs.

Here are a few tips to get started and help your doggie:
·      Stay away from the high-fat goodies and give healthy food as treats. If you want to give a treat, give your dog food such as carrots, sweet potato skins, peppers, cucumbers etc. Experiment and find out what wholesome foods your dog likes.   
     Secret exercising. Secretly exercise your doggie by making your doggie earn her treat by doing a trick or two. The extra movement will only benefit her plus, teaches her she will be rewarded for good behavior and not simply begging.
     Start exercising your dog and yourself. Go for walks, runs or hikes with your dog. Play games such as Frisbee or fetch with a ball in the yard. Anything to get her moving. The exercise will do wonder for her and you as you both get healthy.
      Stay strong and not give in when she begs for food at the table or anywhere else. Be strict in snack time and your dog will adjust and learn not to beg.

Don’t feel bad or blame yourself for your doggie being pudgy. You love her but now it’s time to show your love by helping her lose that weight and be the healthy dog she is meant to be!
If your pet is overweight take her to your veterinarian and determine her ideal weight. Train yourself to not let her overeat, and make sure to exercise your dog. The time together plus the exercise will help you both in the long run. Do everything you can to make sure your furry little friend is around for a very long time!

Source sited-Association of Pet Obesity Prevention


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