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Showing posts from July, 2018

Is your Pooch Pudgy? What can you do?

Okay, we have all seen them… A pudgy little pug waddling down the street or a fat wiener dog rolling along with their masters. I love my little plump bundle of fur more than anything and I know I am guilty of pampering her little too much. A treat for coming inside after using the bathroom…to a treat for just being so cute! Yep, that’s me in a nutshell. Maybe that’s you too? If so, that’s ok because we can fix this before it’s too late. We love our babies and don’t want anything to happen to them. According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 54% percent of dogs and 59% of cats are overweight.  There are nearly  70 million dogs a round the world! That makes for a lot of fat little doggies! Having an overweight dog can lead to health problems plus a shorter life. I know I don’t want that for my little baby. Neither do you. Pets that have too much fat can start to have major problems such as ·         Jo...