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Showing posts from June, 2018

Stop my doggie from jumping please!

Stop my doggie from jumping, please! Let me guess, each day, when you come in from work, your little furry pal is so excited to see you she jumps all over you, almost knocking you down. You love her and love the affection but the paws and scratches are getting to be too much! And having guests over or a visitor at your door is downright embarrassing with loud barking and the jumping. It has to stop but you don’t know how   Here are a few simple tips to help you calm little one down and teach her to not jump. Doggies want our attention more than anything. (Except for bones or something to chew) For starters, dogs don’t understand our language. We think they do because when we speak they perk up their cute little ears. Not so.  All they understand is “dog” So when you tell them to get down or quit jumping, it doesn’t matter to her, she’s got your attention even though you are giving her negative comments. You might even be scolding her. To her, it’s all attention!...